Yuqing Qiu

Research Biostatistician

Yuqing Qiu, MS, is a research biostatistician at Weill Cornell Medicine. She holds a master of science degree in biostatistics and data science from Weill Cornell Medicine and a bachelor’s degree in finance from Utah State University. Yuqing has seven years of working experience in the statistics field. She collaborates with a variety of medical departments through the years for biomedical research projects. Some main areas she collaborates with are pediatrics, psychiatry, surgery, and pathology. She has experience in the application of traditional biostatistical methods and state-of-the-art data science tools, including but not limited to longitudinal data analysis, survival analysis, missing data management, machine learning predictions, causal inference, and study and experiment design.

Weill Cornell Medicine Samprit Banerjee Lab 425 E 61st St New York, NY 10065 Phone: 646-962-8014