About Us

Our lab is conducting many studies focusing on digital phenotyping, big data, and mental health research. We are developing a statistical framework and producing open-source software to analyze the massive amount of longitudinal data from wearable and smartphone devices collected in research studies from individuals in their natural environments. We are also developing predictive models on various health outcomes. 

Through our collaborations with the Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry and ALACRITY Research Center, we have designed and analyzed several randomized trials (including randomized cluster trials) which studied various behavioral interventions, psychotherapies, drugs, and home care management interventions on older adults with depression, psychosis, and bipolar disorder. Our team aims to understand the interplay between multiple correlated outcomes in determining treatment efficacy, mediating treatment effect, and discovering patient sub-groups, by analyzing multiple correlated outcomes and modeling the covariance/correlation between these traits accurately. 

Along with the Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry and ALACRITY Research Center, we also have established collaborations with the Department of Population Health Services and Cornell Center for Health Equity.

Weill Cornell Medicine Samprit Banerjee Lab 425 E 61st St New York, NY 10065 Phone: 646-962-8014