Wenna Xi

Instructor in Population Health Sciences

Dr. Wenna Xi is Instructor in Population Health Sciences at Weill Cornell Medicine. She received her PhD in Biostatistics from The Ohio State University and joined the Department of Population Health Sciences in 2019 for her postdoctoral training. Her primary research focuses on using big data (e.g., EHR, claims, survey, and social media data) to study youth suicide and suicidal behaviors. Her areas of expertise in statistical methodology include: co-location networks, survey data analysis, survival analysis, longitudinal data analysis, spatial statistics, Bayesian modeling and computation, mixture models, and data visualization. Her career goal is to become an independently funded health services researcher focused on leveraging advanced statistical techniques in combination with big data to investigate disparities in receipt of and access to mental health care among under-resourced youth.

Weill Cornell Medicine Samprit Banerjee Lab 425 E 61st St New York, NY 10065 Phone: 646-962-8014